A warm welcome from our greeter and ushers.
A place where the presence of God and the love of God is the primary focus.
A family of believer that are passionate about worship.
A fun and special RW KIDZ that will keep kids wanting to know more of a living God.
Each weekend at Restoration Church, you’ll find a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with exciting, contemporary worship music and a practical, relevant message.
If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for awhile—and that’s fine with us! Come in, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.
Thrive Culture is located in 1183 Eddy St, Providence, RI. Plan a family visit here.
At Thrive Culture, your children are a top priority. Our nurseries are clean, safe, and staffed with loving workers. We offer a dynamic kids experience called RW KIDZ. Find out more about it here.
There are many ways to get involved. You can begin by attending our Get Connected Orientation. Connect Groups are another great way to connect. In each of these, you can build friendships, learn more about the life of our church, and have the opportunity to grow in your faith.
Connect Groups are an important part of Restoration Worship. Life change happens in the context of relationships! When you’re with one another laughing over dessert at the latest restaurant, or with some of the men watching a football game in your basement or talking more about a particular sermon, growing in your faith becomes a byproduct of your connect group community! We understand your varying availabilities; with schedules that can just be busy sometimes. That’s why there are all types of diverse groups. So no matter the particular stage in life you’re in or the interests you’re passionate about, there is a convenient, life-changing connect group for you! Find the perfect Connect Group for you.
One of the easiest things to do at Restoration Worship is to participate in a Connect Group. Groups meet throughout the greater Providence region. They provide the best place for community, Bible study, and support. Check out our directory and visit a group this week.
Our desire is to see you become a fully-devoted follower of Christ. Wednesday nights at 7 PM are usually when we have our Midweek series and other discipleship classes like Take the Lead School of Ministry. From the initial decision to accept Jesus as your Lord to your involvement in life-changing ministry, we will lead you step-by-step from healing to growth and into leadership. To sign up for the next Mid-Week series click here.
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Thrive Culture
1183 Eddy St.
Providence, RI 02905